Brandon Lazore
Onondaga Artist, Snipe Clan
"I wish it was taught more," Brandon Lazore said. "It's up to the U.S. to expose themselves about their history with the Haudenosaunee. They don't want to expose the genocide, the taking of our language, our land, all the atrocities. That's why you don't get all the history. You hear about what Hitler did to Jews, but you don't hear about the Haudenosaunee that were slaughtered by the U.S. government. There were thousands of years before the U.S. was started. There was history before Columbus landed. There's a lot to learn about this country called America."
Two Row Wampum 400 Year Anniversary Mural
Painted by Brandon Lazore on the Seneca Street Garage in 2013.
Women's Nomination Belt Mural
Painted by Brandon Lazore on the Green Street Garage in 2014.
"Women’s Nomination” is dedicated to all Haudenosaunee women. A silhouette of “Sky Woman” falls from Sky World. In moments, she will be caught by flying geese & put on turtle's back - “Turtle Island.” In her hands she holds roots of the 3 sisters - corn, beans, & squash. The woman in green represents Clan Mother, grandmother, elder. The woman in purple is her daughter & the baby is her daughter’s daughter. The wampum belt is the Women’s Nomination Belt which represents, among other things, the right that Haudenosaunee woman have to give their child a clan, to chose names of children, & to choose chiefs. Strawberries represent medicine like mother’s love is medicine to a child. The moon represents fertility & how it’s cycle plays a huge role in every woman’s life. The Sky Domes are inspired by traditional art decorating our clothing for centuries. It represents the sky world & the plants that were given to us - corn, beans, squash, & tobacco.