Voice Out Through MuralsIthaca Murals believes that visibility brings equity. We organize with an art and culture strategy for community building and justice movement building. We support artists, especially underrepresented artists, to paint murals and to turn ideas into reality.
Justice Walls
In our annual Justice Walls project, Ithaca Murals helps fund 20+ proposals for cultural heritage and justice related murals from artists, teachers, organizations, individuals, and more.
Featured Stories
Select three artists and link to their personal page!
Seeking Letters of Interest for Murals at ReUse
The Finger Lake ReUse Center is now funding mural makeovers! Apply by April 22nd to be considered! Learn More and Apply Here |
Check more info about us here!
Click on each picture for more details!
Click on each picture for more details!
Make An Impact
Can't do the artworks but still want to support? Cosponsor a mural or make a donation. 100% of donations go to artist stipends & materials. Small amounts add up to help passionate artists transform our cultural cityscape. Our community is what we make it! During March, every donation gets you a bundle of stickers. Donations of $100+ get you a mug and $200+ gets you a care package. |

Coloring Books (pickup)

Coloring Book (PDF)
$20.00 - $100.00
$20.00 - $100.00

Add a donation to your purchase!
$10.00 - $1,000.00
$10.00 - $1,000.00